The seeds have somewhat pale ridge angles In specimens observed, the stem pubescence was closer to O florida than to O dillenii 2×6 Oxalis dillenii × Oxalis stricta → This very rare wood sorrel hybrid is known from MA It has stipules intermediate between the two parental taxa (ie, present, but small and inconspicuous) Yellow wood sorrel weed thrives in open, fertile soil, which is why it can such a problem in lawns and garden beds, where the soil is so favorable to growth 1 To prevent wood sorrel from popping up in lawns, make sure that you maintain thick, healthy turf Seed or sod any bare spots, because that is where wood sorrel weed will eventuallyWood sorrel grows on weak stems that branch at the base and may root at the nodes The flower is yellow with five petals and occurs in clusters The seed pods range from ¬Ω1 inch in length, have 5 ridges and are pointed Oxalis spreads by seeds which may be spread several feet when the pod bursts open at maturity Creeping Wood sorrel is Woo...